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Why Temp to Perm is a Good Idea

A temp-to-perm position is a job that starts as an interim role with the potential to become a permanent placement. These jobs are typically filled by a staffing agency, and can be beneficial to both employers and workers, as they provide a flexible situation that allows each party to “test things out”. For employers, this arrangement helps them fill open positions quickly and efficiently. For the employee, it’s often an opportunity to gain experience and see if a long-term position with the company could be an option.

Why temp-to-perm is good for employers:

Reduction of risk:
Hiring a temporary employee gives you the chance to evaluate their skills and ability to do the job before you offer them a permanent position. Therefore, you are much more likely to end up with the right person in the role for the long term.

Save time & money:
Working with a staffing agency takes the lion’s share of recruiting, interviewing, and reference checking off your plate. Outsourcing this lengthy process will save you both money and time, and ultimately land you the perfect candidate to hire.

There is no requirement for you to take an employee on permanently when you enter into a temp-to-perm agreement, which gives you the ability to reevaluate the position and how you want to move forward with it.

Why temp-to-perm is good for workers:

Build your skillset and your resume:
If this role is just a place filler while you continue to look for a permanent opportunity, then this is a wonderful chance to learn some new skills and avoid a gap in your resume. Just make sure what you’re doing is in line with your long-term goals.

Chance to prove your value:
Maybe this is the role of your dreams? As a temporary employee you have the chance to show the company that you are an asset. They will know your full worth and potential if and when they are ready to offer you a package.

If you are looking to fill a temp-to-perm position in your office, PS&R can provide help!Call us at 617.723.1919 or visit us at

Three Reasons to Use a Staffing Firm to find an Executive Administrator

The Executive Administrative Assistant is one of the most important – and difficult – positions to fill in any company. You need to find someone with the business acumen, emotional intelligence, and administrative competency to take on the challenging role of being the right-hand person to the leaders within your organization. In addition, you need someone who can guide these leaders, keep them on task, and handle each unique personality. Here are three reasons to use an experienced and knowledgeable staffing firm to help find your executive administrator:

1. Expertise. Preferred Staffing & Recruiting has been placing administrators for over thirty years. We know the experience and skills required in a candidate who will succeed at any given corporation.

2. Only See the Best. Posting a job online can result in an influx of applicants. Instead of sorting through hundreds of resumes followed by dozens of interviews to narrow down the talent pool, your recruiter can present you with top candidates right from the start.

3. Save time and money. Recruiting cannot be done passively; it is a strategic and time-consuming effort. Because we can find the right person right away, you avoid the extra expense of hiring for the same position more than once.

Preferred Staffing & Recruiting is a woman-owned staffing business providing permanent and temp to perm workforce solutions for Boston and beyond. Let us help you find your next great Executive Administrative Assistant by contacting us today!

Three Qualities of a Great Leader

On average, we spend thirty percent of our lives at work, so creating a workplace environment that is encouraging and productive is essential. We’ve all heard the tales of horrible bosses and temper-tantrum throwing executives. But there are many managers who boost morale and create a culture of collaboration and growth mindset. These are the leaders who motivate and inspire. These are the leaders we should all strive to become. PS&R has curated some traits that we believe distinguish a good boss from a great one.

  1. You’re Available.

A great manager is accessible and approachable. Having an open-door policy makes employees feel comfortable and trusting. When workers come to you, make sure you are a good listener and give their ideas credit. Provide feedback when appropriate and coaching when needed. Afterall, it’s a team you are trying to build so make sure your employees know you are working together.

  1. You Care.

There are many ways to care for the people who work for you. One impactful way of doing this is to provide a work culture that focuses on work-life balance. You can show that you value employees’ time by skipping unnecessary meetings and being open to a hybrid work schedule. Other ways to value your employees include providing a safe and comfortable work environment and offering competitive salaries and benefits.

  1. You’re Real.

Sharing details of your personal life will help employees get to know you better, make you seem more human, and give you more ways to connect. When you give someone a lens into your real-life struggles and how you cope with them, it opens the door to becoming a mentor.

If you are looking to hire an excellent leader, PS&R would love to help. Contact us at 617.723.1919.

executive recruiter, resolutions, career resolutions, staffing agency

Resolutions for Boosting Your Career

As 2019 comes to a close and we usher in a new decade, it’s that time of year when everyone begins planning their New Year’s resolutions. This year, how about focusing on choices that will boost your career? PS&R has ideas for reasonable resolutions that you can make now to kick start your professional life in 2020. The best part is, they won’t be impossible to keep!


Have you lost touch with your core career network? This is a great time to strengthen relationships you haven’t been paying attention to, and to foster new ones. Be proactive! Invite an old colleague out to lunch, take the time to endorse someone you respect on LinkedIn, or share an article that you think a recent acquaintance might really enjoy reading. Connecting with key players in your network now will make it easier when you need to reach out to them throughout the coming year.

Commit to learn

Expanding your knowledge or learning a new skill are great ways to better yourself for your career. This could mean taking a course that is useful in your current position or that could help you get your next one. Another idea is to pinpoint an industry meeting or convention that you can attend to potentially make new contacts or learn tips. Subscribe to a new publication and dedicate time every day to reading it. Or, look into a career counselor or executive coach. There is always a way to improve yourself, and now is a great time to plan how you’ll do it.

Confront habits that derail productivity

Social media is probably one of the biggest causes of workplace distraction. There are simple steps you can take to eliminate constant pauses in your daily activity. First, turn off notifiers to get ride of the constant alerts regarding new posts, videos, and messages. You can also use site blockers to blacklist the biggest time-stealing websites. Designate a time in your day, perhaps on your commute home if possible, to catch up on whatever you have missed on social media during work hours. You’ll be thankful for the time you get back for more productive tasks.

If your New Year’s resolutions include finding the best executive search firm, then Preferred Staffing & Recruiting is here to help. Our experienced recruiters use a collaborative and consultative approach that makes us the best staffing agency in the greater Boston area and the perfect fit for you.

executive recruiters, holiday stress, boston recruiter, boston jobs

Four Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

The holiday season is quickly approaching! While it can be a fun and joyous time, the season also brings with it a dizzying array of demands. We’re buying gifts, hosting overnight guests, attending parties, throwing parties – all of this in addition to work and our regular obligations. It’s no wonder this time of year fills many people with anxiety. Here are a few tips to help minimize stress and more thoroughly enjoy this festive time of year.

  1. Be realistic. The season of giving might put you in the mood to splurge on yourself and others. But it’s important to take a step back, evaluate your budget, and set expectations. When possible, consider a homemade gift or a coupon for an activity that you can do together with that person. Instead of buying the designer dress for that holiday party, opt for a new pair of earrings that will dress up something you already have hanging in your closet. Afterall, the holiday season is about gratitude and spending time with people you love, and not about spending money.
  2. Make lists. Keeping track of gift gifting, work, and social obligations can be extra tricky this time of year. Although your lists might feel overwhelming at first, there is no greater feeling than crossing items off. That feeling of accomplishment will fuel you to jump right into the next task. When things are written out in front of you rather than swimming in your head, prioritizing to-do’s becomes much easier.
  3. Prioritize you. With so much to do this coming month, the first thing people tend to ignore is their own well-being. However, this is not the time to abandon your gym routine, skip your scheduled hair appointment, or cancel that coffee date with an old friend. The best way to combat holiday stress and winter blues is to do the things that make you feel good and feed your soul, so be sure you make time for yourself.
  4. Give back. As mentioned earlier, the season is really about gratitude and love. Volunteering or donating to those in need is one way to show gratitude for all that you have. There is also a personal upside to spending your time helping others. Scientific research provides strong data in support of the idea that giving actually helps people find purpose and fulfillment in life.

If hiring talented executives is on your to-do list this holiday season, PS&R is here to help! Call us at 617.723.1919.

executive recruiters, staffing agency, temp agency, boston executive recruiter

What To Do After Job Search Rejection

You found the perfect job. Your resume and cover letter were stellar, you aced the interview, and you followed up with every person from the company you came into contact with. So when you find out that you didn’t get the job, you are understandably shocked and crushed. What you do next can make or break your job search. PS&R is here to help you move in the right direction after rejection.

Be resilient! It is natural to feel upset in this situation. Although you thought this job was “the one”, the truth is that it was not, and there are plenty of other opportunities where that one came from. Recognize your rejection but then move on. This likely is not your first rejection and might not be your last. Choose to show off your resilience by getting back out there and trying even harder this time.

Reach out. You’re disappointed and probably do not want to contact your interviewer. However, this is a great chance to reiterate how interested you are in the company. Send a quick email to thank them for the opportunity and ask what you might have done better. Showing your willingness to learn and grow will keep you in the forefront of their minds the next time they need to hire.

Stop overthinking. Being overlooked for this job does not mean you are not a great fit for another role.  It’s easy to overthink all of your small actions in the process and wonder which one lost you the opportunity. But the reality likely is that you did nothing wrong, and those remorseful thoughts you are having are not productive!

PS&R’s executive recruiters know that being rejected for a job is normal and you are not alone. Choose to learn from the process and use this time to make necessary changes. The most important thing you can do is to stay confident!