top recruiting firms, recruiting agent, executive recruiter, recruitment manager, best recruiting firm MA

Why Temp to Perm is a Good Idea

A temp-to-perm position is a job that starts as an interim role with the potential to become a permanent placement. These jobs are typically filled by a staffing agency, and can be beneficial to both employers and workers, as they provide a flexible situation that allows each party to “test things out”. For employers, this arrangement helps them fill open positions quickly and efficiently. For the employee, it’s often an opportunity to gain experience and see if a long-term position with the company could be an option.

Why temp-to-perm is good for employers:

Reduction of risk:
Hiring a temporary employee gives you the chance to evaluate their skills and ability to do the job before you offer them a permanent position. Therefore, you are much more likely to end up with the right person in the role for the long term.

Save time & money:
Working with a staffing agency takes the lion’s share of recruiting, interviewing, and reference checking off your plate. Outsourcing this lengthy process will save you both money and time, and ultimately land you the perfect candidate to hire.

There is no requirement for you to take an employee on permanently when you enter into a temp-to-perm agreement, which gives you the ability to reevaluate the position and how you want to move forward with it.

Why temp-to-perm is good for workers:

Build your skillset and your resume:
If this role is just a place filler while you continue to look for a permanent opportunity, then this is a wonderful chance to learn some new skills and avoid a gap in your resume. Just make sure what you’re doing is in line with your long-term goals.

Chance to prove your value:
Maybe this is the role of your dreams? As a temporary employee you have the chance to show the company that you are an asset. They will know your full worth and potential if and when they are ready to offer you a package.

If you are looking to fill a temp-to-perm position in your office, PS&R can provide help!Call us at 617.723.1919 or visit us at

top recruiting firms, recruiting agent, executive recruiter, recruitment manager, best recruiting firm MA

Is Now The Right Time To Consider Temporary Employment?

You’ve been searching and searching, but after months you still haven’t landed that perfect job. You might not have considered it yet, but temporary employment has many benefits, especially in our current job market. PS&R knows that temporary employment is often a great bridge to a permanent position. Read on for help determining if a temp gig might be the right move for you.

You need to find work quickly. If you’ve been unemployed for a while and need to find a job fast, a temporary role may be your best option. Typically, employers look to contract workers when there is an immediate need; so the hiring process moves more quickly. If your top priority is a paycheck, applying for a temp position could be a great idea.

You aren’t certain where your career is going. If your career goals are unclear, or you are thinking of switching industries, temporary roles are a great way to test the water. Most temp jobs have a set assignment end date, so you’ll know how long you’ll be committed and when you can start the next position. It’s also a great opportunity to try out a new role or even a brand-new industry.

You need more time. It is unlikely that you will be taking temporary work home with you at night, and some temp assignments are part-time. This should give you ample free time to continue your search for a direct placement, ensuring you don’t lose important momentum.

PS&R has been assisting Boston area employers and candidates find the right fit for over thirty years. Whether you are looking for a temporary role or direct placement; we’re here to help. Contact us at 617.723.1919 or visit our website at


staffing agency, executive recruiter

Get The Most Out Of Your Staffing Agency

If you only call your staffing firm when you have a specific job to fill, you are likely not using them to their full potential. Here are some ways to take advantage of everything your recruiting firm can offer you:

  1. Increase your access to talent. We use a wide range of sites and tools to track down both active and passive candidates. Working closely with a staffing agency can give you access to candidates you otherwise wouldn’t know about.
  2. Stay connected. Maintain regular contact with your executive recruiting firm so that they keep you top of mind. Touching base often and reminding them of the type of candidate you typically look to hire will make it more likely they will think of you when a talented candidate is uncovered.
  3. Learn about trends. Your staffing firm knows the ins and outs of the current local hiring market. Why do the hard work yourself when you have a great partner who’s already done it for you?

Preferred Staffing & Recruiting’s collaborative and consultative approach makes us the best staffing agency in the greater Boston area and the perfect fit for you.  Visit us at or call Kathy Orcutt today at 617.723.1919.


work from home, remote jobs, recruiters, boston jobs

Remote Job Interview Questions You Should Master

Not ready to return to a traditional office setting? You are not alone. As many companies are operating with all remote employees, work from home opportunities are more readily available than before. But employers are still looking for a candidate that is the “right fit”, and that now means someone who has the habits and qualities of a self-motivator. PS&R has put together some questions for you to review and consider before you interview for that remote position. Think about how you will communicate the way you work and what you do to stay productive.

  1. How do you balance your work and personal life when working from home?

It can be hard to prioritize your own physical health and mental health, along with family time, when there is no separation between work and home. Think about how you will structure your day and how you will make time for yourself.

  1. What does your “at home” workspace look like to make you successful?

If you have a home office, think about what equipment you will need to be comfortable and effective. This could mean a standing desk, a larger monitor, or special headphones.

  1. How do you prioritize tasks throughout the day?

Working remotely can put you in a more fast-paced environment than you are accustomed to. Think about how you will prioritize calls/meetings and tasks throughout the day. It’s important for your potential employer to know you have a handle on this.

  1. What concerns you about working remotely?

If you are asked about your concerns with working remotely, your potential employer is looking to see if you are aware of your weaknesses and how you might work to improve in these areas.

When interviewing for a remote position, it’s important that you have thought through your strategy for working effectively, avoiding burnout, and operating as part of a team. Clearly communicate your approach and you are one step closer to your next opportunity!

If you are looking for a work from home job or if you are an employer looking to fill remote positions, PS&R is here to help! Our experienced executive recruiting team can be reached at 617.723.1919.

administrative assistant, executive assistant, staffing agency

Four Tips for Hiring a Stand-Out Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistants are often considered the backbone of an organization. The most successful admins are trained and can execute a wide variety of tasks. The following tips will help you hire an administrative assistant who can make your company stronger:

  1. Make a clear list of job expectations. You don’t know who you’re looking for until you know what qualities a successful candidate will need. Make an exhaustive list of responsibilities and from that, determine a list of skills and experiences that are required for the role. Now you can use that list to compose a well-written and compelling job description. It’s also important to understand salary trends and make sure that the scope of the role matches the range of salary you are willing to offer a candidate.
  2. Let people know you’re searching. There are a lot of hard working, experienced executive assistants out there, and alerting your network that you are looking might uncover talent you wouldn’t have otherwise found.
  3. Pay attention to certain details. When reviewing candidates, notice instances when they have gone above and beyond in past roles. Pay attention to the candidates that have shown an effort to better themselves through training or participation in industry organizations. These are good signs that they are highly motivated professionals.
  4. Partner with a Staffing Agency. Preferred Staffing & Recruiting has been helping clients find great people for over thirty years. Our experienced staff is particularly skilled at finding qualified administrative assistants, from entry to executive level. We’d love the opportunity to work with you!

Contact PS&R today by calling 617.723.1919 or visit us at!


zoom, interview, virtual interview, boston recruiter, executive recruiter

Five Tips for Mastering the Virtual Interview

If you land an interview right now, it will most likely take place using Zoom or another video conferencing app. And let’s be honest, we might be doing virtual interviews for the foreseeable future! If you haven’t used Zoom, it is fairly straightforward. The employer will do the work of setting up the meeting information, so all you need to do is make sure you are comfortable with the technology. Here are some tips from PS&R to help perfect your Zoom interviews.

  1. Know what you’re doing. Get the app set up on your device well ahead of time. Practice with a friend or relative to ensure there are no audio or other issues. Make sure your profile name is your first and last name. If you have other people in the household who also use the app, they could have changed the profile name to just about anything. You want the interviewer to see your name while you are speaking to one another.
  2. Find the right setting. You will need a quiet and private place to take the interview. For people with a busy household, this could mean that a laundry room or walk-in closet are the only viable options. These spaces could be messy or potentially distracting to your interviewer. Thankfully, Zoom offers virtual backgrounds. If you can’t interview in a space that is appropriate, test out a few backgrounds ahead of time and choose a simple one that you like the best.
  3. Dress appropriately. Pick out clothing that you would wear to an in-person interview, and make sure it’s pressed and stain-free. Just because you are not face-to-face doesn’t mean these details will go unnoticed.
  4. Be mindful of your speech and body language. Video conferencing apps tend to be glitchy, even with the best internet connection. Using a slow and steady pace when you speak will help avoid any misunderstandings and will show that you are calm and confident. The interviewer will be watching you the entire time, so it’s important to remain professional and not inadvertently react to an incoming text message or a child calling from another room.
  5. Prepare ahead of time. Just like any other interview, you should have answers ready for the most common questions. Also write down any questions you might have and keep them handy. If you don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. As we mentioned before, the Zoom app isn’t perfect and it can sometimes freeze for a second or two, so if you aren’t sure what was communicated be sure to get confirmation.

It’s likely that even when things do return to “normal”, virtual interviews will be used more frequently. There’s no better time than now to use these tips to become a pro!

PS&R’s experienced executive recruiting team is here for you during your job search, or if you are the one doing the hiring. Feel free to contact us at 617.723.1919.

Making the Most of your Temporary Assignment

In our last blog post, we talked about one of our temporary employees who turned her assignment into the perfect permanent position. If you are currently in a temporary role that you’d like to make long term, here are some tips for putting your best foot forward:

Stay positive. A lot of people in your shoes will feed into the negative stigma of being a “temp”. But think about it this way; your current situation is basically paid training. You’re learning new skills, networking with potential employers, and building your resume. Keep that in mind and stay positive about your work. This will definitely help you stand out from the crowd.

Get noticed. Having a good attitude will help you stand out, but there are more ways to make an impression. In order to get offered that full-time, permanent position you will need to be recommended by your manager or supervisor. Take the time to build a good rapport with him or her. If that person is expecting your tenure to be temporary, they might not take the initiative to get to know you, so it’s really up to you to make that connection. You should also get acquainted with your co-workers and gain an understanding of what they do. They might even have pointers and suggestions that could help you succeed.

Really show up. The best way to make your temporary position a permanent one?  Treat it as if it already is. Arrive early, be the one willing to lend a hand when needed, and be open to learning new things. Going the extra mile will show your manager that you are serious about the job.

Contact PS&R to learn about our temporary and permanent job openings. Or visit our job listings at

Temp Success Story

There are a lot of advantages to taking a temporary position that many job seekers don’t consider.  If you have been on the job search for an extended period of time, a temp position could be a great option for you.  A temp job can allow you to broaden your skills while still earning and still continuing your career search.

Another thing to keep in mind is that “temporary” doesn’t always have to mean short term.  A lot of companies will hire a temp for a position that could become permanent for the right person. PS&R recently placed an applicant into a temporary role that turned into an ideal permanent work home for her.  Here is her story:

Last summer, Kelly had just finished graduate school and realized that she wasn’t sure where she wanted her career path to go.  After some online searching, she stumbled on Preferred Staffing & Recruiting, and knew right away that it was a good fit.  Kelly said, “PS&R helped me revamp my resume and got me on the right track.”  She hadn’t necessarily been looking for a temporary job, but within a week of coming to us Kelly was offered a temporary Administrative & Sales position at a medical device company.  As it turns out, this was a great fit for her. According to Kelly, “it was a good way to ease into my first official job”. Less than five months into her temporary role, she was offered a raise and a permanent salaried position.  Kelly is a great reminder to keep an open mind about temporary opportunities!

If you are searching for a job, whether temporary or direct, let PS&R help you with your search.  Contact Kathy Orcutt at 617.723.1919 or visit our website at

Temporary Work: 10 Tips for Success

Employers and job seekers looking for flexible solutions find temporary work to be an excellent option. While there’s no guarantee that a temporary job will turn into a permanent position, the potential is certainly there as more employers realize that hiring a temp allows them to try out a new employee before making a commitment.

What’s the best way to succeed as a temp? Follow these 10 tips:

  1. Fit in quickly, be easy to get along with and put others at ease.
  2. Show initiative and enthusiasm for learning new procedures and skills.
  3. Bring the three R’s to every assignment: respect, reliability and resourcefulness.
  4. Note and become mindful of your supervisor’s preferences, habits and routines.
  5. When others say, “that’s not my job” or “I don’t do that,” step up and say, Yes!
  6. Love meeting new people and show it – in person and over the phone.
  7. Always introduce yourself by name and not as “the temp.”
  8. Stay inspired by keeping a personal list of accomplishments.
  9. Excel at embracing change and appreciating variety.
  10. Treat every assignment like gold.

Hired by Pamela Getz

Temporary Work: The Option Is Yours

More employers and job seekers looking for flexible solutions are finding temporary work to be an excellent option. Working as a temp offers opportunities to stay productive and keep earning “in between” jobs. And it’s ideal for those who want the flexibility to work part- or full-time in a variety of settings.

While there’s no guarantee that a temporary job will turn into a permanent position, the potential is certainly there as more employers realize that hiring a temp allows them to try out a new employee before making a commitment.

For example, a company manager who was unable to find his ideal candidate decided to hire a temp for help with a new product launch. After the temp turned in several weeks of strong performance, he realized that she was actually the person he’d been searching for. Eager to create a full-time, permanent position if the right candidate ever came along, the manager made an offer and the temp accepted – a win-win for both.

What’s the best way to succeed as a temp? Check back for 10 tips for success.

Hired by Pamela Getz