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How to Hire the Right Candidate, Right Away

You need to make a new hire – and fast.  It’s easy to rush through the decision-making process when you’re under pressure.  But sometimes the candidate that appeared to fit the culture of your company at first glance, doesn’t actually have the work ethic you expected.  Or it could turn out that the candidate who was polished and well-spoken in an initial interview presents completely differently on their first day of work. Avoiding a rash decision and hiring the right candidate the first time around will save you time, energy, and money.  PS&R offers some insight into ways you can find the perfect fit for your job opening.

Ask for several references.  Connecting with potential employee references can be difficult and time consuming.  But don’t settle on just one positive reference.  It’s important to get feedback from both a supervisor and a colleague.  One can tell you how the candidate performed, while the other can give insight into how the candidate interacted with peers. Also consider speaking to references from several different companies. This will help you get a more well-rounded picture of the applicant.

Know the requirements of the role.  It’s easy to hire someone who is generally good at a lot of things. But if the work at hand requires a specific skill, make that clear to applicants.  Keep a check list of skills and experiences someone would need to be successful in this job and use it during your interviews.  You might really like one candidate, but if they fail to check off on a majority of your list, it’s probably time to move on. 

Set a process and stick with it.  Will the position be posted internally first?  How many candidates will you see before narrowing down for second interviews? If you don’t find any qualified candidates the first time around, how long are you willing to extend the search?  Without a clear idea of the process, it’s easy to make a “gut decision” and hire quickly without following through with other candidates.  Make an outline of the steps you need to take to fill the position and confirm that everyone involved in the hiring process is onboard.  This will lead to a more deliberate and thoughtful hire.

Partnering with a seasoned recruitment specialist like Preferred Staffing & Recruiting takes the burden of this process off of your plate.  We’ll make sure you find the best fit the first time around!